When and How to Change Your Wiper Blades

We all know the situation: it’s late, it’s foggy, you’re driving home late at night on curvy roads. Suddenly, a roar of thunder, and rain begins falling in sheets on your car. You turn on your wipers but, instead of effectively clearing your windshield of rain, more and more streaks block your view…
Not only are old wiper blades scary and make you hold your steering wheel with white knuckles, but they are also incredibly unsafe! Old, chipping, or streaky wiper blades are major contributors to automobile accidents, especially so in poor conditions. Are your wipers a little streaky? Do they skip across the glass instead of gliding smoothly? Has it been more than 6 months since they’ve been changed? Read on to learn how to change your wiper blades; 15 minutes will save you a lot of stress and danger.
Choose your blade!
Above all else, your new wipers have to be the proper size! Wiper blades come in a wide array of sizes, anywhere between 15 and 30 inches. The best way to ensure you get the right blades is to check your owner’s manual. If you’re still struggling, any auto-parts store will be able to quickly look up the size you need based on your car’s model and year.
Most wipers replace the entire assembly, which is usually better than replacing just the rubber squeegee. Rubber squeegees were once industry standard, but silicone squeegees, which last longer and are more effective, are becoming more and more popular. If your car has a very large, curved windshield, consider beam wiper blades. If you live somewhere that frequently receives snow and ice, it is probably worth the specially designed and hardened winter wiper blades.
Snap and click…
Replacing the blade itself can be a bit of a hassle—many car manufacturer used specially shaped hooks and attachment mechanisms. Your new wipers will come with an attachment piece that can be used to fit a wide variety of hook styles. Keep your new wipers ready and easily accessible for a quick install.
To start, pull the wipers away from your windshield. Be careful, some cars will do this automatically or have a release a lever. If you feel resistance, check your owner’s manual.
Next, turn your old blades so that they are perpendicular. Where the blade is attached to the wiper hook will likely be a release tab. Once clicked, turn the wiper back parallel and it should slide right off!
From there, look at the shape of the hook and compare that to the guide that comes with the new wipers. Configure the new wiper attachment to fit the hook shape, then it’s as simple clipping it in exactly the opposite as you took it off. Normally, this is easy as sliding them back on. Make sure they are facing the right direction, then carefully set your wipers back on your windshield.
To ensure you get the most from your new wipers, keep your windshield clean and free of debris. Use a clean, soft towel to wipe any crust from the wipers, especially after they’ve been used heavily.
Too much hassle?
We can help! Here at Smith Chevrolet Lowell, we take pride in our ability to address any and all car needs. We recognize the importance of something as seemingly simple as a windshield wiper, and we want to keep you safe on the road! Next time you need a wiper replaced, come see us at Smith Chevrolet or search for a Chevy dealer near me!