Let Us Help Keep Your Brakes Stopping Smoothly with Lowell Auto Service

There are a lot of different mechanical and technical aspects of your vehicle. It is important that the parts of your vehicle are working well so that your vehicle operates as it should. However, you want to pay extra attention to certain aspects of your vehicle, and one of those aspects is your brakes.
Your vehicle’s brakes are vital to your safety and the safety of others when you are on the road. You want to be sure your brakes are operating properly so that people can stay safe. Even if your brakes are starting to get slightly worn, it could cause problems.
According to the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, “There are more vehicles on U.S. roads than ever before. With an estimated 240.5 million cars and light trucks crowding our roads as of 2011, your safety and that of others is at risk when your vehicle is not stopping and steering at its best. Reducing your vehicle’s stopping distance by just an inch or so could make the difference between a minor scare and a major fender bender.”
How do your vehicle’s brakes work? You know that when you press on the brake pedal, your vehicle slows down, but how does it actually slow down? Your brakes make your vehicle slow through friction. When you press down on a brake pedal, that moves a piston and squeezes hydraulic fluid into the braking system. This fluid applies pressure to all the brakes, and the friction between brake pads and brake rotors cause the vehicle to slow. However, brake pads and rotors will wear down eventually and need to be replaced. Other parts of your brake system will also need to be checked periodically.
You don’t want to have a problem with your brakes because it could result in an accident that hurts you or someone else. Make sure your brakes are operating as they should be with regular maintenance and checks on your vehicle.
If you need brake repair, you can get auto service near you from Smith Chevy of Lowell. We have brake and rotors replacement to help you get your vehicle back to working properly. Let us help you with brake change near you and any other auto service you may need. We care about you and the well-being of yourself and your vehicle. Our service experts will get any repairs done quickly and done well. You can schedule a service appointment online today to get brake repair or other maintenance.