Safe Holiday Driving Tips

The 4th of July will be the first Holiday Lowell residents are allowed to celebrate since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic. This means residents are allowed to(safely) travel, host parties, and attend firework shows – all of course within the social distance guidelines.
Surging nationwide Coronavirus numbers and the lack of driving the past few weeks may deter you and your family from celebrating this weekend. We here at Smith Chevy of Lowell have compiled a list of tips for having a safe and healthy holiday weekend.
Schedule service
It’s important that you arrive at your destination safely and in one piece. Make an appointment at our service department before your departure to make sure your vehicle is running smoothly. Our vehicle checks will include brakes, tires, lights, brakes, fluid levels, oil change, and more. You can easily schedule a service appointment online today.

Anticipate travel needs
When traveling this Holiday weekend make sure to:
- Pack necessary medicine and medical equipment.
- Pack hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.
- Bring a face mask to wear in public places.
- Prepare some snacks for the ride

Watch for pedestrians
It’s likely that people will be out and about visiting friends, neighbors, and trying to see fireworks(at a safe distance). If you have to drive on Saturday, please be very careful. Pay attention to stop signs, obey crosswalks, and don’t run red lights. Watch for pedestrians and their furry friends as well.
Know your route in advance
Many accidents are caused by indecisive drivers. Having your road trip planned in advance prevents confusion during the Holiday weekend drive.
View multiple routes and different ways to get to your destination if possible, you may encounter some accidents along the way. You don’t want these potential road blocks to ruin your trip!

Buckle up
It may seem like the most basic rule when you get into a car, but most people don’t adhere to it. Wearing a seat belt can save your life. Every time you step foot in a car, you should buckle up!
Following these safe driving tips can ensure a safe and healthy Holiday weekend! From all of us here at Smith Chevy Lowell, Happy 4th of July!